Enriching Continuing Learning Programs at Asbury
Published: December 3, 2018
Learning is for all ages. Take a hobby to new heights or enjoy dozens of lectures and courses offered through Asbury’s two continuing education programs.
Remember all of those things you said you wanted to learn, but put off because life got in the way? At Asbury Methodist Village, now is the time. The brain may not be a muscle, but it needs stimulation to stay in top form. Whether you enroll in a new class or volunteer, join Asbury’s national award-winning Brain Waves fitness course and Brain HQ program, or tap into your inner newsman in the campus television station or on the Village Life newspaper staff, you can welcome new possibilities into your life.
At the resident-run Keese School of Continuing Education, dozens of lectures and tours in history, science, art and music, politics and diplomacy, and current events ensure there is always something new and interesting to learn. Keese School volunteers compile a Course Catalog twice a year, drawing on the backgrounds of many Asbury residents as well as area educators and professionals.
And Asbury Methodist Village’s unique partnership with the Osher Institute of Lifelong Learning at Johns Hopkins University allows associate members to enjoy several popular Osher courses hosted on Asbury’s campus, while full members have access to all of Osher’s offerings at Johns Hopkins University’s nearby Silver Spring, Md., campus.
Nurturing Your Inner Life
And then there’s the spiritual and emotional aspects of wellness. You can find many ways to soothe your soul – from meditation to stress management programs, to support groups and counseling services, from Bible studies to Shabbat services. It’s been a long, long time since you had to be Methodist to live at Asbury Methodist Village, but the community still maintains a deep commitment to serving spiritual needs. Ecumenical services are open to all, and many houses of worship hold services or gatherings at least once a month on campus.