Hear from Asbury Residents

With a Vision of redefining the expectations of aging and a Mission to do all the good we can, Asbury’s retirement communities are places where new opportunities abound and energy is all around. Hear from some residents of our communities here.

Elaine Margolis

"I have a new lease on life"

Meet Elaine Margolis. Hear why she says moving to Asbury Methodist Village has been one of the best experiences of her life.

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Elaine Margolis

"I immediately sensed that I was home."

As I approached retirement, I began to explore retirement communities and as I entered the doors of Normandie Ridge, I immediately sensed that I was home. Living at Normandie Ridge has benefitted me in numerous ways. Having retired from an extremely busy and fulfilling life-calling, I found a friendly, welcoming environment, with plenty of opportunities to stay active and to meet new people and make new friends. There is so much to love about Normandie Ridge. I love the peaceful, quiet and lovely natural surroundings. I love the wonderful people who live and work here, and whom I've had the privilege to get to know. I enjoy the worship opportunities, the library. What is especially appreciated is the care shown and given by staff, in time of need, particularly during the pandemic.

Suzanne Saunders

"Normandie Ridge checked all the boxes and offered a one-stop shop for many reasons."

I really love my “New” York apartment! As I approached my senior years and wished to continue to be independent, I wanted the option for health care should the need arise. Normandie Ridge checked all the boxes and offered a one-stop shop for many reasons: location, an apartment size that allowed me to add my own design touches, an attractive campus and social life, and the value for the price seemed reasonable.

I have the same friends and activities as I did before moving, but now I benefit from meeting new people and making new friends at the social events and exercise groups offered here on campus. I also enjoy the flexibility of eating in the dining room or Patriot Café when I don’t feel like cooking! The residents are very friendly, as well as the staff, and I feel comfortable and secure in my new living environment. It really feels like home and I am happy with my decision.

I am lucky that change agrees with me, and I always try to embrace new opportunities. I can choose to be in my own private space or I can just open my door and find someone fun to chat with. I feel part of a community here, and I also know that it gives my children peace of mind in knowing that I am happy and independent.

Beverly Kling

"So happy I made the decision to move to Normandie Ridge!"

I wanted to plan for my future, and I did not want the responsibility of caring for a home. Living at Normandie Ridge gives me all the independence I want without all of the responsibility. I have a beautiful apartment to enjoy, there are a lot of great people to meet, and the staff here is friendly and caring. It’s really a great place to enjoy your senior years with lots of events, clubs, and classes. You can do as many or as few as you want. I’m so happy I made the decision to move to Normandie Ridge!

Linda Ludwig

barbara harbison

"Whatever your interest, it's here."

Meet Barbara Harbison, resident, volunteer, neighbor. Learn why she rethought her decision to age at home, how she feels about her neighbors, and why life is more relaxing and more interesting at Montgomery County's leader in senior living.

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Barbara Harbison

Spence Limbocker

"There's a real interest here in helping"

Meet Spence Limbocker, a leader of the Gaithersburg Beloved Community Initiative, a resident-run youth outreach organization devoted to bridging divides and fostering social justice in the greater Gaithersburg region.

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Spence Limbocker

retirement community gaithersburg md

"It's easy to meet people here"

Meet Kacey Dildene who moved to Asbury's Villas neighborhood with her husband. "It's easy to meet people here," Kacey says. "Everyone is so friendly. We're very happy here."

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Kacey Dildine

Jay Hath

"A Model that Supports Changing Needs"

Asbury Methodist Village gives you the freedom to explore your passions. Backed by the added security of a continuum of care, you won’t have to move should your needs change.

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Jay Hatch

Tony Wright

"I am grateful to have the support of people who understand loss, people who are ready to listen and to talk."

When Tony Wright lost his wife less than one year after moving to Bethany Village, he realized the true value of their decision. Not only were Emily and Tony supported through her illness, but following his loss, Tony found himself surrounded by people who understood what it means to lose a spouse.

There are a lot of single people here and we all get together and help each other. If something were to happen to me and I didn’t show up to an event or a volunteer shift, people would say, ‘Hey, have you seen Tony? Let’s go check on him.’ I’m involved in so many things I never would have been doing if we had not moved here. If I had stayed home, I would have volunteered at my church a couple of times a month and watched a lot of TV and read books.

Losing your partner is so difficult, and it keeps hitting you at unexpected times long after you have lost them. I am grateful to have the support of people who understand loss, people who are ready to listen and to talk.”

Tony Wright


"You never lack for anything here."

Maude came to Springhill after a bout of health troubles made her realize that continuing to live alone in her Vermont home wasn’t the best long-term solution for aging. Her daughter-in-law’s mother had lived at Springhill, and they suggested Maude take a look.

Maude spent her professional life as a wax sculpture artist, and while she was willing to give up her large home, she did not want to part with space to continue painting. She did love the idea of being closer to her children and grandchildren, though, and when she returned home from the hospital, she put her home on the market.

“I’ve learned very quickly that you can do just fine with a lot less stuff. I created an area for my art supplies, and it works fine. I go out to dinner with friends, I have regular brunch and card groups, I love attending the Great Courses lectures. You never lack for anything here. One day a few months after I moved in, I woke up and thought, ‘I’m really happy!’

I loved Vermont and had wonderful friends, but I felt like this was a new chapter in my life. All my life I have had a strong faith, and I believe your life is planned. Who would know that my son would meet Sue and that she would know about Springhill?”

Maude Cameron

Anne Chance

"We knew our needs were going to be changing, and we wanted an environment that would meet that."

When Ann Chance and her husband Joe Kearney decided to join Ann’s sister and become residents of Bethany Village’s East Cottage neighborhood, they were leaving behind a light-filled home they had built for their retirement in a West Virginia golf community.

“It was a beautiful community full of wonderful people, but it took an hour to get anywhere. We wanted to be near a town, restaurants and stores. We knew our needs were going to be changing, and we wanted an environment that would meet that.

We sat down and considered the spaces in our house that we actually used. Our house was a party house, built for entertaining. But we realized we didn’t want to entertain as much. We knew we didn’t need all that space.

I’ve made new friends while walking the dog, and we enjoy not having to worry about how the roof, pipes, or driveway are faring during the winter. By moving now, we were able to create the home for and be in control of our future. It’s more empowering that way.”

Anne Chance

Mary Stewart

"A house with multiple levels and big, uneven yard were not going to work well for me."

A lover of the outdoors, Mary Stewart has hiked in state parks around the country and as far afield as England, Scotland and Spain. But poor joint structure meant that by her 70s, she had already had two knee replacements and was facing a second hip replacement. Having recently moved back to Erie, Mary was faced with a challenging decision. Join her sister in a house being built on the family’s property or find a place that would provide the convenience and support to help her stay active.

“I talked to my medical team prior to my hip replacement and they helped me realize what I already knew, that a house with multiple levels and big, uneven yard were not going to work well for me.

Springhill’s easy access to dining, neighbors, programs, the scheduled transportation, a fitness program managed by someone trained in senior fitness, those were going to help me maintain my independence longer.

Having access to Springhill’s rehabilitation and health care services is also important. It’s comforting to know it’s there. And I can’t wait for the new aquatic center. Water exercise is very good for me, and soon I won’t need to drive somewhere else to do that.”

Mary Stewart

Barbara Ellis

"There are so many advantages other communities don’t have."

Life at Asbury Methodist Village means trading in home maintenance for following your passions. From morning aerobics classes in the pool to exciting trips, there’s something for everyone to enjoy at AMV.

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Barbara Ellis

John Villforth

"I Just Fell in Love with It"

What makes Asbury Methodist Village so special is the people who call it home. A warm welcome from the dynamic residents will have you making meaningful connections within a family-minded community.

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John Villforth

Diane Ivens (daughter of Bob Heisinger)

"Anything he wants, it's right here."

“Having my parents move to Asbury Place years ago has made such a difference for me and for my brother. They really enjoyed being part of the residential community and then, when my mom developed memory issues, my father received a lot of help from the staff. We could not have supported her at home during her later years. The continuum of health services has been such a blessing.

They both moved to The Alpine House for assisted living memory care, and it’s such a relaxing place. It’s beautiful and really looks like a private home. My dad is an engineer. He’s used to doing things for himself, and he always said he did not want to be a burden to me and my brother. I come and visit, but I know that when I’m not there, he’s receiving what he needs, too.

It takes a special kind of person to be there every day with a smile on your face. The caregivers are trained for this. Anything he wants, it’s right here.”

Diane Ivens (daughter of Bob Heisinger)

Susan Stiller

"I certainly don’t miss the stress and work of home ownership."

When Susan Stiller was comparing retirement living options in the Mechanicsburg, Pa., area, it was – surprisingly – Bethany Village’s annual snow tubing and water tubing trips that tipped the scale for her. So, she downsized from a 1,600-square-foot home to a one bedroom Court Apartment.

“I felt that a community that does those things shows a ‘can-do’ spirit that encourages people to try new things no matter what their age. I like to enjoy life and I thought this was a place that would give me more opportunities to do that.

Sometimes I miss my garage and the space I had, but I certainly don’t miss the stress and work of home ownership. The time I spent maintaining my house, I now spend out with people or just relaxing. I have hosted family dinners for six from my kitchen, and when my granddaughters spend the night, they make the space work just fine.

Your home isn’t as important as the entire experience you gain from living at Bethany Village. People here really care about each other. Our wing throws monthly birthday parties, and, if there isn’t one to celebrate, we just have a party anyway!”

Susan Stiller

César and Georgia Portocarrero

"A beautiful home and friendly neighbors"

At Asbury Methodist Village, you’ll become a part of a community where meaningful connections are right next door. Wave hello to neighbors jogging by as the sunrise breaks past the trees and hits your porch.

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César and Georgia Portocarrero

Bob Marks and Molly

"Moving here opened a new opportunity to give back."

A former healthcare administrator and retired Major in the United States Air Force, Bob Marks loves to travel and has the trips to prove it: he has traveled to all 50 states and 30 countries. But it was his move to Springhill that started him – and his King Charles spaniel Molly – on an adventure he never could have predicted.

“One day I was walking around the pond with Molly and the director of campus security stopped to talk to us. He was impressed by how calm Molly was and said she might make a great therapy dog."

When I was recovering from surgery a few years ago, and I always looked forward to the therapy dog visits, so I said I’d look into it. Now, it’s almost like a circle has been completed. Molly and I visit oncology patients at UPMC Hamot Hospital, we go to court hearings involving children, and regularly stop into Springhill’s health care center.

I think it’s great that moving here opened a new opportunity to give back that I might not have considered without that chance meeting.”

Bob Marks

Dorsey Wolliver

"I love every one of the staff, and I’ve made some good friends here"

“When I saw the mountains from my apartment window, I knew Asbury Place was for me. I love every one of the staff, and I’ve made some good friends here. I would definitely recommend it.”

Dorsey Wolliver

The Martins

"We can’t get over how friendly the staff is."

Discover friendly staff and neighbors at Asbury Solomons, a community where you have the freedom to make the most out of each day. Enjoy a scenic riverfront view now that the worries of home maintenance have faded away.

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The Martins

Gerald Hanson

"Don’t wait too long!"

Explore the experiences of new friends and neighbors in a community a that celebrates the freedom to explore new passions. Meet friends after a scenic walk around the pond for evening lecture series on a variety of topics.

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Gerald Hanson

Art and Cindy Lindsay

"I thought I would miss our big house, but it just really feels like home here."

For everyone who has thought about moving to a retirement community only to think they’re still too young, Art Lindsay has one thing to say: “That’s a huge mistake.”

Art moved to Bethany when he was 72 and wife Cindy was still working. They chose to keep their second home near the Appalachian Trail.

“We first came here to visit relatives who moved when they began having health difficulties. I thought it was a shame that they waited too long to take advantage of all the community’s amenities. There were so many benefits that came with a move here – the Fitness Center, the community gardens, and clubs, the woodworking shop, the whole package. But you have to be able to enjoy them.”

“To be honest, I thought I was going to just put up with it here, but I’ve loved it,” says Cindy, who is 10 years younger than Art. “I thought I would miss our big house, but it just really feels like home here.”

Art and Cindy Lindsay

John and Santina Gorndt

"Wellness and exercise are part of the package you get when you live here."

We were not really looking to move when we came to Springhill. It was our first visit and when we walked in the front door, we were convinced this was a beautiful community and one that we would enjoy being a part of. We decided that Springhill would be the place to spend our future, and we never visited another place! After almost seven years of living here in a Garden Home, we still believe we have made an excellent choice. The people here, both the residents and the associates, are very helpful, friendly, and consider our needs in everything they do.

The entire community is built around wellness and exercise is part of the package that you get when you live here, and that has helped us maintain our physical health. Springhill recently started building an aquatic center which will help us continue our focus on health as we age. There are so many events and programs that go on at Springhill that keep us involved and active, things like movies, ping pong, tailgate parties, card parties, musicians, and bus trips for lunch, shows, and much more. You can’t go wrong at Springhill. We love living here!

John and Santina Gorndt

Marie and Fred Ibbetson

"There’s a sense of community and belonging that’s very special."

“We first came to Asbury Place with friends from our church who were looking at the community for themselves and wanted our opinion,” Marie says. “We weren’t even thinking about moving at that point. We went home that night, and Fred said, ‘You know, this might be an idea for us.’ A few months later we moved into a cottage. After six years we can still say it was one of the best decisions we ever made. We now have the security to know we will have care when we need it for the rest of our lives, we have a very active lifestyle here and, best of all, we have made wonderful new friends.

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Marie and Fred Ibbetson

"Lock It and Leave It"

You’ll have more time to explore your passions. With no home maintenance worries, mowing the lawn is replaced with an outdoors jazz concert. Enjoy the freedom to vacation or visit family with a home that allows you to lock it and leave it.

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Ron Stevenson and Pam Parmer

Sue & Dick Koecks

"We’ve never regretted the move."

We’ve never regretted the move. There are so many important things that are part of our lives here - 24/7 security, exercise classes, check-ups and nutritional food. You really feel that everyone at Springhill wants you to have a healthy and pleasant life. And, most of all, as you age, health services and help are right here.

Sue and Dick Koeck

Aurora Sevilla

"We knew that Asbury had the means to provide the care we needed."

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Aurora Sevilla

Janet & David Lingrell

"It’s a big family here."

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David and Janet Lingrell

Carol Watkins

"... extraordinarily interesting people ..."

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Carol Watkins

seniors interview

"The residents are so genuine ... when they're talking to you and they open their home. It is living in a community and having community fellowship."

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Jim and Ginny Wilt

tennessee retirement living

"We thought, we could move here and just fit right in"

Asbury Place Kingsport Villa residents David and Pat Cross moved to Asbury Place Kingsport after being surprised at how well the continuing care retirement community offered the perfect blend of independence and privacy with supportive and engaged, social living. Hear their experiences living in this Knoxville retirement community.

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David and Pat Cross

"I'm so glad I moved here."

“I have an art degree and I love that I can do a variety of crafts at RiverWoods. We have come up with some great ideas for craft projects and then we have a sale of all of the items we create that benefits Benevolent Care Fund. I have met so many friends in the craft studio. I’m so glad I moved here and can continue doing the crafts I love for a good cause.”

Ann Doebler

"We tell our friends, make the move now!"

“We moved to RiverWoods because we wanted to lighten the burden of home ownership. When we travel, we don’t have to worry because our residence is being looked after. We also didn’t want our family to have to make decisions about where we live—we made the move on our terms. We’ve lived at RiverWoods for 10 years and we tell all of our friends, make the move now!”

Larry and Clara Kemmerer

""I can't say enough about the staff.""

I can’t say enough about our staff at Normandie Ridge. Each person from housekeeping to maintenance to the admin staff care about us, truly do care about us. That has been an unexpected benefit to us to know that from the executive director to the housekeeping people to the folks in healthcare, they care about us as people. It makes me feel good to live in a place like that.

Terry Guiler

"We spent two years putting together a list of communities we wanted to tour and when we visited Asbury Place, we stopped looking."

As a pathologist, Bob Richmond is methodical about his research. So, when it came time to investigate the pros and cons of a retirement community, his methods mirrored his life’s work. “We spent two years putting together a list of communities we wanted to tour,” says Bob, “When we visited Asbury Place, we stopped looking.” The couple put a deposit on a new apartment in a building that had yet to break ground. They came out weekly to check on the progress and eagerly watched the construction. After 18 months of waiting, Bob and Kathleen moved into their two-bedroom apartment during the summer of 2012. “I love the sense of community that exists here,” says Bob, 82. “It’s great to live in a place where you’re not isolated from your neighbors.”

Bob Richmond

an older couple sitting together

"There's no denying aging. This simplified our life but also gave us a bit of safety and security."

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Dick and Jeannette Findley

resident sitting on a bench in garden reading

"Do it while you’re young enough to enjoy it!"

At 71, Diane Reed swims an average of five days a week, plays water volleyball, spends two hours with a personal trainer on a weekly basis, and walks a minimum of a mile every day. In between, she gardens, organizes game nights, and visits her four kids, nine grandkids and two great grandkids. "It's liberating to have the freedom to pick up and go and not worry about anything, and I love the exercise programs here. Make the move while you’re young enough to enjoy it.”

Diane Reed

Senior male smiling in front of cottage

"Our children were ecstatic with our decision."

We made the decision after watching family and friends not make decisions in some cases, and we found that the longer they put it off the harder it was to move. We wanted to be comfortable in moving and to be able to start being involved in our new community while we were still highly mobile and energetic. Our children ... were ecstatic that we had made this decision because they had seen us working with reluctant parents, their grandparents, to move."

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Paul Mauger

an older couple sitting together

"The friendliness we've experienced at Bethany is not only our fellow residents but the staff. They're so accommodating, so friendly. They have servant's hearts. "

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Bruce and Kathy Seagrist

senior woman sits at piano playing a song at Asbury Solomons retirement community

"We didn't realize we were going to get so much more than an apartment."

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Jim and Anita Shepherd

man with glasses looking at camera and talking in his living room

"It’s just gorgeous here, You can see the light as it goes out across the river."

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David Porter

rainbow heart design with love is love written below

"When I came here, I could be myself. "

Learn more about our work to build a culture of belonging for all those who live and work at an Asbury senior living community.

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A Community of Welcome