Asbury Helps Address Hunger in MoCo MD
Published: March 29, 2019
We hope you’ll take a moment to read this blog post “Celebrating Asbury Methodist Village: A Giving Community” by Community Food Rescue, an organization that delivers safe, excess prepared food to shelters and apartments around Montgomery County that serve people with mental health issues and other challenges. Three times each week, associates from Asbury and our partner Sodexo pack up surplus, healthy, and safe prepared food—fish, chicken, and beef entrees, rice, pasta, potatoes and vegetable side dishes and soups.
Asbury Methodist Village Executive Director Rob Liebreich has seen first-hand how passionate Asbury Methodist Village associates and residents are about being a force for good in the greater D.C. metro region. “They are very creative in finding new opportunities for giving back and forging partnerships to make that happen,” Rob said. “With our mission to do all the good we can for those we serve, Asbury is so pleased to play a role in addressing this critical need in Montgomery County.”