Unique Strathmore & Osher Partnerships

Nurturing a Curious and Cultured Community

Alicia Ward, cello, and Kimberly Kong, pianoWith Asbury Methodist Village’s proximity to Washington, D.C., residents have always had plenty of opportunities to stay in tune with cultural happenings. But did you know that Asbury Methodist Village has a unique partnership with the Strathmore Cultural Arts Center and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Johns Hopkins University?

Asbury is Mongtomery County’s only satellite location for the Strathmore, featuring several on-campus performances each year by Strathmore resident artists. In addition to those performances, Asbury residents receive special discounts on Strathmore presentations and education programs.

Musicians from genres as diverse as classical and opera to steelpan and zydeco have brought their talents to the Rosborough Cultural Arts Center’s 275-seat theater. They round out an incredibly rich calendar of events that includes lectures, shows, off-campus trips, and resident-run programs. And each fall, Osher brings two of its most popular classes and lecturers to our campus.

Residents also gain access to our Keese School of Continuing Education, a year-long program which offers a wide array of lectures, tours and courses taught by area professors and professionals, as well as Asbury residents sharing their talents and career experiences.

At Asbury Methodist Village, you can anticipate a life filled with many enriching opportunities. Want to know more? We invite you to take a look at our Calendar of Events or take us up on lunch and coffee in our Blue Note Bistro.