Asbury Brain Fitness Program Profiled in NYT Feature
Published: April 28, 2019
Asbury Methodist Village’s Brain Waves program was featured in a recent New York Times article focusing on brain fitness for older adults. Resident Carol Watkins is quoted in the piece about her experience with the program and how it has helped encourage her to do and try different activities, which experts say is important to improving overall health and quality of life.
The Brain Waves program at Asbury Methodist Village has been charting a course of innovation for years now, and won an Innovator of the Year Award from the International Council on Active Aging in 2015. During the fun, hands-on eight-week course, residents learn about and practice the multiple factors that contribute to brain health.
In 2019, Asbury added a full-time brain fitness facilitator to its campus, partnering with BrainHQ’s Posit Science technology to supplement Brain Waves.