Asbury Foundation Philanthropic Tools

Asbury Foundation offers a variety of ways to make a tax-deductible donation. All gifts to the Asbury Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law, and an acknowledgment letter for tax purposes will be provided for all gifts.

Please see below for the primary ways to make your philanthropic gift. Please do not hesitate to contact your community’s Asbury Foundation Director of Development if you have additional questions:

Planned Giving: A planned gift is a future donation given to a charity through a will or other form of designation. A bequest or other planned gift, such as a charitable gift annuity, charitable trust or gift of life insurance, enables you to offer sustaining support to your chosen Asbury community that you might not be able to offer through an outright gift. Learn more about planned giving opportunities.

Donating Stock: Gifts of appreciated stock can support your Asbury community and may ease your capital gains tax burden. Please be sure to contact the Asbury Foundation before making a gift of stock to an Asbury affiliate. Due to privacy laws, we cannot determine the source of the transfer unless you notify us personally – and we want to be sure you are given proper credit while directing your gift to the program you wish to support.

IRA Giving: There are a couple of ways to make a gift through your IRA. By making the Asbury Foundation a beneficiary of your retirement plan, your estate will receive a 100% charitable deduction, saving estate taxes and income taxes. Or, if you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a charitable gift of up to $108,000 from your IRA annually. This gift will qualify for your required minimum distribution (RMD), and you would not have to pay federal income tax on the amount given from your IRA to the Asbury Foundation.

Make a Pledge: You may choose to make a multi-payment pledge in support of any of our funds. This method will enable you to consider a larger investment with payments stretched over a period of months or years. Reminder notices will be sent at regular intervals as requested. Pledges are tax-deductible only as payments are received.

Entrance Fee Refund: If you are an Asbury resident, you can diversify your giving and make a lasting impact at your community by donating all, or part, of your refundable entrance fee and/or parking space deposit to the Asbury Foundation.

Vehicle Donation: Donate your used car, van, truck, boat, or recreational vehicle through our partnership with NCS Vehicle Donations. The proceeds from the sale of your vehicle will support your chosen Asbury community.

Matching Gifts: Many corporations provide matching gift programs in recognition of support by any employee to his or her favorite charity. Matching gifts are often equal to a donor’s gift, and some corporations match on a two-to-one or greater ratio.

Recurring Gift with Electronic Funds Transfer: Electronic Funds Transfer, or EFT, is a secure, convenient way to make a recurring gift. Pre-authorize transfers directly from your checking/saving account or credit card on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis by contacting your local director of development.

In-Kind Gifts: Non-cash contributions such as televisions, large print books, artwork and office equipment are greatly appreciated if they are consistent with the Asbury community’s mission, goals and objectives.

Your Donation: Methods of Payment

We are happy to accept checks as well as online gifts. Make checks payable to Asbury Foundation with a note in the memo stating the specific fund to which the donation is to be directed. Checks can be mailed to your local Asbury Foundation community office.

Giving a gift online is a secure and easy way to make a gift to the Asbury community of your choice.

Help Us Do More for Those We Serve

As a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization, Asbury Foundation secures philanthropic support to fund vital programs such as benevolent care and transformational opportunities for residents and the associates who serve them. Help us do more – and thank you.

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