Photo Gallery of Springhill Senior Living

Discover life at Asbury Springhill in Erie, PA, by browsing our photo gallery. See beautiful sights, comprehensive senior care, amenities and more.

sunflowers outside of main entrance to springhill
residents laughing together in the lounge area
fireplace seating area in the lounge
view of lounge are
female residents gathering to crochet
ladies chatting and crocheting together
staff member hosting happy hour with residents
residents enjoying food during happy hour
residents enjoy visiting in the dining room
residents eating dinner at four seasons restaurant
residents gathering together watching football
residents watching football game
smaller pool at aquatic center
steps leading into the pool at aquatic center
residents enjoying the fitness classes at springhill
exterior view of garden home
residents socializing
residents socializing on the back deck of a garden home
backyard view of garden home
view of the grass and trees behind garden homes
resident with his dog enjoying a walk
resdients playing pool
exterior view of the springhill apartments
grandmother enjoying games with grandson
grandparents with grandson
living and dining area of garden home
residents hosting friends in kitchen of their home
residents entertaining friends in thier garden home
living room of apartment
residents chatting together in apartment
ladies chatting together in apartment
volunteer assisting resident with cooking
volunteer assisting resident in cooking
residents walking their dog outside of the garden homes
resident gardening at garden home
resident enjoying her front porch
residents chatting at the mail box
staff hosting outdoor party for residents
residents celebrating at an outdoor party
residents sitting together and celebrating at outdoor party
residents playing cornhole
residents having a picnic together
outdoor view of Asbury Springhill
exterior view of asbury springhill
residents walking together at springhill
beautiful gazebo on the campus of springhill
view of the gardens and Gazebo
rocking chairs and benches in the gazebo
resident relaxing on the patio at Woodlands memory support unit
residents and staff chatting together in the dining area
view of the pond and fountain at springhill
aerial view of springhill campus
grandfather and grandchild playing together
residents at the penn shore winery
residents enjoying a pontoon boat tour
residients enjoying breakfast at presque isle
residient enjoying gardening at greenhouse


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