Meet Some Springhill Residents

Earlier-Than-Expected Move Brings JoySpringhill resident, Maggie Collins

Ask Maggie Collins what she loves about living at Springhill and you’ll get an enthusiastic “everything!”…More




Early Move Offers Much for CoupleDean Wilson and wife Shirley Wilson

Dean Wilson could easily be described as a Renaissance man. Retired from a career as a fire protection engineer, his side gigs included working as a radio broadcaster, blogger, and consulting work in adult education, communications and building codes. He was also a trailblazer in the work-from-home phenomenon that… More


A ‘Storied’ Career John Flynn

A former Army Green Beret and retired Suffolk County, NY, police detective, John Flynn has stories to tell, from the mundane to the miraculous, including capturing an escaped lion. No wonder falling off a building doesn’t top his list … More


bob marks and mollyMeet Bob – and Molly!

When Bob Marks moved to Springhill last summer, we were excited to welcome not only Bob but also his adorable, six-month-old Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Molly. A former healthcare… More »


artist lettie pellizzari

Artist Brings Talents to Springhill

When Lettie Pellizzari moved to Springhill in January with her husband Rinaldo, she was relieved to be giving up the responsibility of the couple’s large property, but sorry to be giving up the… More »


john kriz

New Friends Bring New Chapter in Retirement

A former wildlife biologist for the state of Pennyslvania, John Kriz always enjoyed the solitude that nature brings. But after retiring from his profession and lacking the social interaction of… More »

karen keene


Although our hyper-vigilant spell checkers will insist that procrastinot is a typo, the term is in fact a neologism I invented when challenged to create a one-word New Yearʼs Resolution. As a… More »



Two women smile in Springhill pool

The Right Moves: Mary Stewart

Springhill resident Mary Stewart is not a sitter. A lover of the outdoors, Mary has hiked in state parks near the various cities she has called home and as far afield as England, Scotland and… More »


jean metcalf

Chance Encounter Creates Orchid Collector

When Jean Metcalf moved to one of Springhill’s Garden Homes in 2004, she found herself confronting the dreaded task of downsizing faced by every new resident. Her task was doubly challenging,… More »

ed masteller

Love of Nature Enriches All

It doesn’t take long for new Springhill residents to comment on how many interesting conversations they find themselves in with their newfound neighbors. With residents such as Ed Masteller,… More »


melanie melhuish

Support Helps Take Fall in Stride

No one enjoys moving, and with each passing decade, as the possessions pile up, it grows more challenging. But Marilyn Melhuish’s situation – though not rare – stands out from the crowd’s. After a… More »


marjorie podolsky

Professor Nurtures Springhill Writers in Workshop

Twice a month on a Tuesday morning, six people who used to be little more than acquaintances meet in a room and prepare to lay it all out on the table. There, they share writings that range from… More »

jean dunn

Continuing Education Opportunities Bloom From Resident’s Love of Learning

Jean Dunn has never been a professor, but she sure loves what they have to offer. An accountant by trade, Jean calls herself a “green eye-shade type of person” who tends to be interested in many… More »

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